Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm sorry

I am sorry I am not blogging right now.  It's just that I really, really don't have time.  Most people could fill a page with mumbo-jumbo in 30 seconds and be done with it, but I agonize over my posts, and usually regret it if I throw a bunch of words on the screen and hit "publish post". 

So I'll be back, probably after this weekend.  When you are praying this week, pray for our little church plant.  We will man a booth at Spring Fling in downtown Spartanburg, and really pray for some good contacts and visits to our Bible Study to come out of that.  We will be handing out balloons, freeze pops, and cookies (not all at the same time), and just trying to get the word out about our new church in a friendly way.  Justin is stocking the booth with some good resources about general life questions and a bunch of Bibles.  Pray that we figure out all the logistics of getting our stuff to the festival and that we get some foot traffic.


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