Justin turned 40 in March. It was pretty anti-climactic, all things considered. I had given him a surprise party last year that involved some pretty elaborate evasive techniques, and I wasn't up to the drama again.
Italian Cream Cake with 40 candles. Can you say "waxy frosting"? |
I wanted to give him something amazing or take him on a fabulous trip, but nothing really came to mind. Plus since we're a one-income family (and he's the one income), it would be like, "Hey, I got you this cool new elecronic gadget for your birthday! I just put it on the credit card; I hope that's ok. Love you! Happy birthday and good luck making this work in the family budget!" So I got him a hammock, a day late, and made him shrimp, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, since his favorite seafood restaurant was closed on his birthday. No, it's not Long John Silver's.
What more could you want? Oh and an italian cream cake, his favorite.
While I was preparing the birthday meal extravaganza, Emma was playing with the camera. I'm so glad, because here is what she captured for all of posterity (and modernity) to enjoy:
I love my husband.
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