I have to make this quick because unfortunately, I have more going on in my life than introspective pecking at the keyboard. I was thinking today about my post yesterday. I talked about having to continually battle negative thoughts about myself, and I wanted to offer a tool when you have your own struggles, be it in your thought life or in some habitual action which is not good or healthy. When I was in high school, I was very anxious and worried, about what I can no longer remember. What could it have been? If I had enough product in to keep my bangs really fluffy all day? If I would have to move up from a size 4 to a 6 because of the Doritos I was pounding? If I would be invited to be a Key Club Sweetheart? If my toe-touch was as good as Jennifer Whitley's? Anyway, I actually showed some wisdom because I went after that worry/anxiety by searching the Bible for verses that address that topic and then praying through those on a regular basis. While I would love to tell you that since age 18, I have never felt undue anxiety about anything, that would not be true. What is true, however, is that I now had weapons to fight my battle instead of just floundering about. The Bible is full of God's truth; it IS God's truth. God's truth brings freedom. And those worries or fears or habitual harmful actions in our lives are, in their purest form, lies: lies that God is not faithful, lies that something or someone else can bring about the joy and fulfillment that only God can bring.
I went through the Bible by myself and found passages I felt could help me. You could also use a book like
Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds
by Beth Moore. She just arranges the book by topics, like breaking free from pride, idols, guilt, loss, etc. and turns the Bible verses into prayers, giving references if you would like to see them for yourself. Another great book in this same vein is
Valley of Vision: A collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions
which leads you through prayer based on topics, but not arranged by Bible verses. And a third book which is not quite the same but has been so helpful for me in how I view prayer is
A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World
by Paul Miller. Awesome, awesome book which I would buy in mass quantities and hand to everyone I see if I could.
Well, it's time to go pick up Emma from Honors Choir and then off to Chick fil A for Spirit Night! Hope this helps!
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