Thursday, April 19, 2012

God Sometimes Moves Through Insulated Tumblers

I checked my email before heading out for church last Sunday morning.  It's like a nervous tic with me; I have a hard time walking by the computer without hitting the gmail button.

Amidst the groupons, ebates, and helpful tips from Martha Stewart in my inbox was an etsy convo.  I opened a shop on etsy a couple months ago...what, you would like to visit it?  Just click through any of the items in my etsy mini on the right.

A potential customer wanted to know if I could put monograms on fifteen insulated tumblers.  I was super-excited. Fifteen! I've never had that big of an order, and I was excited!

BUT it was Sunday, and I had already made up my mind not to work on Sunday. So I didn't respond to her email, and hoped she'd still be interested in placing an order when I got in touch with her on Monday.

Monday morning after I took the kids to school, I drove to three different stores, gathering up the supplies I would need to fill her order.  I was home by 9:30 a.m., and I messaged her back to say I could set up a custom listing for her.  She wrote back to say she really liked my work, but she had decided to go with someone else.  I wasn't totally surprised, but bummed none the less.  Why did that email have to come on Sunday?  Should I have gone ahead and written her back? 

I mentally shrugged my shoulders.  Oh well, there was nothing I could do about it, and I'm not going to work on Sunday.  I already wonder if some of my Sabbath practices are that God-honoring anyway.  I'm pretty sure that applying vinyl to plastic cups does not come under the "works of mercy and necessity" exclusion clause.

Well, God had a little something up his sleeve, because on Tuesday, I received another etsy convo.  This one was for the same tumbler, but this customer wanted seventeen!  I guess it could have been a coincidence, but it was a remarkable one.  I believe that God was telling me in a crystal clear sort of way not to worry about sales lost in Sabbath observance.

It was a little thing really.  But it meant so much, that God cares about little things that mean something to me..because He cares about me.

1 comment:

Amy Lafayett said...

Love it!! I recently lost my engagement ring. . . for two days. It was nowhere with my other rings and I had looked everywhere. I never felt panicked, but just prayed that God would tell me where it was. Two days later after already putting on and taking off my rings (minus the engagement ring), I went to put them on again. And as plain as day was my ring sitting in clear sight and OBVIOUSLY put in the exact spot by God Himself!! I knew right away it was Him! I had cleaned out the basket several times and that ring was no where around. And yet God decided to sit it right under my nose. I know that God did that becauase He wanted me to know that He cares about EVERY detail of my life - even my engagement ring. :)

I love when you blog. . . and miss reading them more often. hint, hint. You should right more!!