Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Top 5 Things I Could Do For A Really Long Time

1. Read at the beach (especially if someone else was watching the kids).

2. Talk to someone sitting next to me at the beach. I'm pretty chatty when I'm happy.

3. Watch Pride and Prejudice. The BBC version. All six hours of it, and then go out to eat with all of my girl friends and talk about how awesome it was. And then maybe go back home and watch Sense and Sensibility. I love me some Jane Austen English-countryside-walking heroines. And Mr. Darcy!! Reminds me of my angel baby, except I can't talk Justin into wearing cravats. Or riding breeches. Or a top hat. Shame.

4. Hike in the mountains. If it is somewhere beautiful but not too strenuous. If it is too strenuous, then it will have to go in my top 5 list of things I could do for 25 minutes or so.

5. Jigsaw puzzle. This Christmas I bought a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle and sorted it all out on a table downstairs. I thought everyone would love it! Turns out the kiddies were mildly interested in it, but I became completely addicted to it. Even now I can hear it calling me, trying to lure me away from the task at hand. The puzzle is pretty close to done, and I will be sad to see it go. I have been using it as a reward for getting things done, as in: if I put away all of this laundry, then I will give myself 15 minutes of puzzle time. OK 30 minutes, but then it's back to work! Seriously. I mean it. Just one more piece.

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