Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Personal Assistant to Emma

3:30 Take Emma to her piano lesson.
4:00  Bring Emma home; I work on supper and find her lost black shoe, put out clothes for the next two activities.
4:12  Emma commands the boys to be quiet as she cannot focus on her homework.
4:23 Emma complains that she doesn't speak "science" like her textbook does.
4:30 Emma calls her friend to give her the spelling homework assignment.
4:32 Emma complains that the ponytail I put in this morning was "too tight."
5:00 We eat supper.
5:30 We leave for Converse College where Emma will be performing with the District Six Honors Chorus.
7:30 Concert ends.
7:52 Swing by the house; Emma changes into her softball clothes.  We are already seven minutes late for practice.
9:00 Get home. Emma takes a shower.
10:00 Go to bed.  Hope Emma has less on her agenda tomorrow.

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